Sunday, April 6, 2008

Earthquakes in Yogyakarta and Central Java

Weaving Jogja Guyub
by: Sunaryo Adhiatmoko

In Indonesia, earthquakes occurred in Yogyakarta on Saturday, 27 May 2006, is the second biggest disaster following tsunami 2004. Tsunami waves swept Aceh and North Sumatera Provinces away, December 2004, and killed around 170.000 people. In March 2005, earthquakes shake Nias and around 1.000 people were died.

On 29 May night, DD’s humanitarian team coupled with BMT network gathered to devise joint steps in Corps Dakwah Pedesaan (CDP) – Village Preaching Corps, Yogyakarta. Subsequently, in emergency action, logistic warehouse and public kitchen were concentrated on CDP’ office. There were 31 institution coming from Yogyakarta and Central Java who attended the meeting. A movement symbol for common concern was woven then in tie called ”Jogja Guyub” - Yogya Mutual Aid.

As stated by Kusnandar – the coordinator of Jogja Guyub, this movement is established to offer aids for the victims of Yogyakarta and Central Java earthquakes. Being in concert it is expected that a wider humantarian works can be done. In its action all institution use the name ”Jogja Guyub”. But they have their own right to package their respective programs and use their own attributes with the same umbrella of Jogja Guyub.

During emergency response, Jogja Guyub has conducted humanitarian action in eight command posts. The action covered major posts: Yogyakarta, Alun-alun Utara Kraton Yogya – North Palace Yard, Klaten: RS Islam Klaten – Islamic Hospital, Pundong: Ngentak Seloharjo Village, Imogiri: Lapangan Ndemi – Public Field, Bangun Tapan: Lapangan Desa Jampidan – Public Field, South Jetis: Canden Village, North Jetis: SDN Jetis – State Elementary School, and Bambang Lipuro: Derman Village, Sumber Mulyo.

Institution and organization involved in that time including Dompet Dhuafa Republika (DD), BMT Center, Beringharjo BMT, Tamzis BMT, Marhamah BMT, Binamas BMT, Dinar BMT, Agawe Makmur BMT, Bima BMT, Natura BMT, BNI Syariah, BAZNAS, Corps Dakwah Pedesaan (CDP), RRI Peduli, Pramuka Peduli, LPM DD, LKC, DD Bandung, DD Kaltim, Al-Azhar Peduli Ummat, IDI – Indonesian Doctors Association, Perwira ABA, PMR UIN – Youth Red Cross , Pesantren Taruna, Waspada Peduli, Masyarakat Muslim Banyumas (MMB), Induk Koperasi Angkutan – Transport Cooperative, BKPK Bukopin, Wanadri – Mountain Climbing Club, WIKA dan FK UGM – Medical Faculty Gajah Mada University.

Jogja Guyub conducted mass action including health care, public toilet and washing facilities establishment, distribution of staple basic needs, strengthening solidarity among volunteers, and optimizing local people volunteerism to unify their efforts for humanitarian action.

After emergency and energency responses, Dompet Dhuafa carried out recovery program. The activity covered educational, economic, and mental recoveries. To mantain the program sustainability, Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta is established.

The program’s trace which until now can be seen are development and counseling for SDN Pacar – State Elementary School, MI Giriloyo I and II – Islamic Elementary School, Kembangsari Market, Masyarakat Mandiri – Community Organization, and Pertanian - Farming.

1 comment:

MAPublishing said...

I wish Alloh blessing Dompet Dhuafa and Team.