Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sinjai Flood

Batii Action in Sinjai
by: Sunaryo Adhiatmoko

June 2006, Macini Countryside, Panaikang Village, East Sinjai, was flooded. Four people were died, 31.996 people took refugee of whom ambulatory patient were 2.289 people and in-patient care were given to 9 people. Hundreds of inhabitant houses ruined. This countryside then became isolated because the connecting bridge was broken. One kilometer long way was immersed in mud.

Dompet Dhuafa calls Biroro villagers, a neighboring Panakang village which escaped the disaster, to open the road. Led by Biroro Village Chief, Mallongi, the field coordinator of “Tim Batti” (voluntary collective work) Dompet Dhuafa, the road finally opens allowing logistic aids gain access to Macini.

The collective work continues with renovation of people houses with the availably usable material. For action here in Sinjai, Darul Istiqamah LAZ is involved. Their tasks are post-disaster mental recovery programs.

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